Meet Bizzy.

Entertaining. Imaginative.
All the things your little ones are.

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Bizzy in blue circle

Meet Bizzy the Shih Tzu

Hasn’t every little dog thought, at some time, that he was mightier, faster, or more clever than he actually was? Bizzy the busy Shih Tzu certainly has.

In this first book of Bizzy’s Adventures, he finds himself exploring Oregon’s majestic Wallowa Lake and Mountains—and his imagination runs wild. Will he climb like a mountain goat, fly like a mountain bluebird, or swim like a rainbow trout?

Inspire imaginative play and cultivate your little one’s love for the outdoors while teaching them the actual kinds of wildlife found in this beautiful Northwest destination in America.


Inside Bizzy Goes to the Wallowa Mountains


What happens when a Shih Tzu makes his first trip to a breathtaking mountain region in the Pacific Northwest? Through entertaining antics and imaginative adventures, Bizzy explores and meets wildlife who make him yearn to be something other than a dog. This children's picture book will delight the reader and child alike as you experience a mountain adventure from a puppy's point of view and learn more about the wildlife in the Wallowa Mountain habitat. In the end, Bizzy concludes that while pretending can be fun, being oneself is best of all. The book's vivid illustrations bring the story to life and invite children into their own rich imaginative experiences—while exposing them to the wonders of nature and a journey of discovery.



Bizzy's book cover
My child loves this book! Bizzy is the best!
DeLona Bell

About the Author

DeLona Lang Bell has always lived in the world of creativity—which has taken many forms. In 1997 she founded CMBell, a creative firm whose team has produced thousands of communication tools for more than 135 businesses nationwide. While she is still actively involved in this work, her first love is her grandchildren, whose sense of wonder always inspires.

As a child, she visited the Wallowa Mountains for decades with her family and friends. Those delightful memories inspired her to bring the beauty of that area and its wildlife to life to children through the wild antics of Bizzy, who is her family’s Shih Tzu—and who did in fact pretend to be a mountain goat on his last hike there.

Watch for more Bizzy adventures coming soon! Bizzy has plans to go to the Oregon coast and rumor has it he makes a new friend (think Irish wolfhound) in future episodes!

Kari Arns

About the Illustrator

Käri Arns is the Art Director at CMBell. A northwest-raised artist, Kari has diverse skills that range from illustration and animation to web creation and graphic design. She has brought the visual vision of Bizzy's adventures to life and captured his personality perfectly—and rumor has it she will be working on creating a video series for Bizzy in the future! In her spare time, Käri is an accomplished belly dancer, loves to travel, and enjoys spending time with her family exploring the PNW.